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1.写我这个暑假计划的英语手抄报 暑假计划手抄报



4.求一 关于旅游的英语手抄报


写我这个暑假计划的英语手抄报 暑假计划手抄报









       暑假计划英文手抄报 英文手抄报

       研学之旅英语手抄报 文学之星手抄报英语暑假计划手抄报暑假英语手




       快乐暑假英语手抄报happy holiday


       八二班 暑假生活英语手抄报





       Attractions:景点;Tourist information center:游客中心;Admission fee:门票费;Guided tour:导览;Sightseeing:观光;Where's the restroom?洗手间在哪里?

       How much does it cost?多少钱?Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?你能推荐附近好的餐厅吗?


       Paris, France: 巴黎,法国;Tokyo, Japan: 东京,日本;New York City, USA: 纽约市,美国;Sydney, Australia: 悉尼,澳大利亚;


       Passport:护照;Visa:签证;Apply for a visa:申请签证;Validity period:有效期;Immigration officer:移民官员;


       Local cuisine:当地美食;Hotel:酒店;Hostel:青年旅社;Homestay:民宿;Shopping:购物;Souvenir:纪念品。


       What's the weather like today?:今天天气怎么样?Is it safe to travel here?:这里旅游安全吗?How do I get to...?:我怎样才能到达...?Are there any travel restrictions?:有旅游限制吗?



       A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted.

       A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same.

       Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference.

       Travel can widen one’s knowledge. The farther you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography.

       If you travel the whole world some day, you will fully understand the globe on which we live.

       However, too much travel causes tiredness.

       You get on a bus or a taxi, you travel on the train or in a plane, being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another, that will make you exhausted after a while.








求一 关于旅游的英语手抄报

       travel to Beijing

        Over the next three years, the capital will focus on creating regulated, environmental standards for energy, transportation, construction, atmosphere and water, according to the Green Beijing plans released by the Beijing government on March 7. 

       The plan is intended to affect areas most closely connected with people. For example, by 2012, green areas should reach 15.5 square meters per person, and the city intends to open 500 bicycle-renting stations, with 20,000 bikes available. The first of these stations will be established at business center areas like Zhonguancun's Guan-ganmennei Street; others will launch in heritage-protected areas. 

       Regulations or restrictions on bike channels will be countered, bike parking lots are set to increase and all main streets will have bicycle channels. As for automobiles, the Traffic Administration Bureau will establish a system to monitor street-level emissions.

        Off the road and in the home, a policy to switch Beijing residents from gas to electricity will be continued and expanded from relics protection areas (which are more vulnerable to fire disasters) to throughout the city. Lang Hua is a middle-aged women living in Xuanwu district whose home is now heated by electricity instead of coal. She welcomed the policy of switching from coal to electricity, saying, “This is safer and cleaner than before. My families and neighbors all welcome the change.

       travel to Beijing

       Over the next three years, the capital will focus on creating regulated, environmental standards for energy, transportation, construction, atmosphere and water, according to the Green Beijing plans released by the Beijing government on March 7.

       The plan is intended to affect areas most closely connected with people. For example, by 2012, green areas should reach 15.5 square meters per person, and the city intends to open 500 bicycle-renting stations, with 20,000 bikes available. The first of these stations will be established at business center areas like Zhonguancun's Guan-ganmennei Street; others will launch in heritage-protected areas.

       Regulations or restrictions on bike channels will be countered, bike parking lots are set to increase and all main streets will have bicycle channels. As for automobiles, the Traffic Administration Bureau will establish a system to monitor street-level emissions.

       Off the road and in the home, a policy to switch Beijing residents from gas to electricity will be continued and expanded from relics protection areas (which are more vulnerable to fire disasters) to throughout the city.

       Lang Hua is a middle-aged women living in Xuanwu district whose home is now heated by electricity instead of coal. She welcomed the policy of switching from coal to electricity, saying, "This is safer and cleaner than before. My families and neighbors all welcome the change."
